Pizza Fractions are an ideal way to help kids understand how fractions work, without making it feel too much like they're doing maths.
So today we've added a new downloadable activity sheet with a number of pizza fractions listed - all your child has to do is colour in the pizzas according to the fractions given.
Simply download the pdf and print at home,
Click here to download your Pizza Fractions Activity Sheet.
To help further cement your child's understanding of fractions, whilst offering them a sweet reward for all their hard work, why not experiment with fractions using the real thing?
All our chocolate pizzas are pre-cut into slices, making working out the fractions as easy as... well chocolate pizza of course!
Our 4" Mini Pizzas are the perfect size for smaller appetites, and can be easily snapped into 6 equal pieces -making them the ideal learning tool for working out halves, wholes and sixths.
Meanwhile, if you're looking for a larger pizza for the whole family to share, then our 7" and 10" chocolate pizzas are pre-cut into eight slices so you could experiment with halves, quarters and eighths.
We'd love to see your child's completed pizza fractions on our socials - just include the #chocpizzaco and we'll try to share as many as we can!
Keep safe everyone x